
Below is a list of book chapters that Dr. Walker has either authored or co-authored. 

Typically these chapters are refereed and/or edited by the book’s editors and the publisher

  1. K. Walker (2023). Appreciative inquiry. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  2. K. Walker (2023). Asset mapping. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  3. K. Walker (2023). Electronic Delphi method. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  4. K. Walker (2023). Force-field analysis. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  5. K. Walker (2023). Interpretation and expert panels. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  6. K. Walker (2023). Photo voice. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  7. K. Walker (2023). Social network analysis. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  8. K. Walker (2023). Video voice. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  9. K. Walker (2023). World café. In J. Okoko, S. Tunison, & K.Walker (Eds.). Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives. Springer.

  10. Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Ragoonaden, K., Claypool, T., Godden, L. (2023). Leaderful Mindsets: Positive Pathways to Embodiment and Engagement for Well-Being and Flourishing in Organizations. In: Dhiman, S.K., Marques, J., Schmieder-Ramirez, J., Malakyan, P.G. (eds) Handbook of Global Leadership and Followership. Springer, Cham.

  11. Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2023). Promoting flourishing and wellbeing in organizations through positive leadership. In S. K. Dhiman, J. F. Marques, J. Schmieder-Ramirez, P. Malakyan (Eds.), Handbook of global leadership and followership: Integrating the best leadership theory and practice. Singapore: Springer International.

  12. Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2022). Developing a Conceptual Framework for Assessing and Promoting Servant Leadership in a Catholic School System. The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Springer.

  13. Nsiah, J., Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2022). Servant Leadership in Action: Stories of Two High School Principals. The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Springer.

  14. Kutsyuruba, B., Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (2021). Introduction: Striving toward well-being: Creating conditions and structures for flourshing in education. In Kutsyuruba, B., Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (Eds.). Leadership for Flourishing in Educational Contexts (pp. 1-11). Canadian Scholars.

  15. Walker, K., Cherkowski, S., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2021). Concluding thoughts: Momentum for future striving. In Kutsyuruba, B., Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (Eds.). Leadership for Flourishing in Educational Contexts (pp. 315-327). Canadian Scholars.

  16. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Bosica, J. J. (2021). School administrators’ engagement in teacher induction: The impact on early career teachers’ well-being and success. In K. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 105–124). Information Age.,encourages%20flourishing%20in%20these%20schools.

  17. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., & Cherkowski, S. (2021). Introduction: Positive leadership as a catalyst for flourishing learning communities. In K. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 1-13). Information Age.,encourages%20flourishing%20in%20these%20schools.

  18. Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2021). Concluding thoughts: Animating flourishing through the values of purpose, passion, play, presence. In K. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 371-380). Information Age.,encourages%20flourishing%20in%20these%20schools.

  19. Jingwa, L.I., & Walker, K. (2021). Concept and practice of positive teacher leadership. In K. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 125-138). Information Age.,encourages%20flourishing%20in%20these%20schools.

  20. Walker, K. (2018). Preface.  In W. Smale (Ed.). Perspectives on Canadian Educational Law and Policy. Toronto: Word & Deed Publishers.

  21. Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (2018) Introduction: Ways Forward with Flourishing in Schools. In S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (Eds.). Perspectives on flourishing schools. Lanham, MD: Lexington.

  22. Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (2018).  Epilogue: Concluding Remarks. In S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (Eds.). Perspectives on flourishing schools (pp.  ). Lanham, MD: Lexington.

  23. Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2017).  Introduction: Exploring the pan-Canadian terrain of early career teaching. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 1-17). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.

  24. Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. D. (2017).  The bliss and blisters of early career teaching in Canada: Where do we go from here? In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 459-456). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.

  25. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Matheson, I. A., & Bosica, J. J. (2017).  Mapping out the early career teachers’ needs: Findings from the pan-Canadian new teacher survey. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 21-46). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.

  26. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Matheson, I. A., & Godden, L. (2017).  Pan-Canadian document analysis study of teacher induction and mentoring programs and policies. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 157-179). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.

  27. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Al Makhamreh, M., & Stroud Stasel, R. (2017).  Exploring the experiences and perceptions of the Canadian new teachers. In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 103-133). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.

  28. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K. D., Godden, L., & Matheson, I. A. (2017).  What contextual factors affect the early career teachers? In B. Kutsyuruba & K. D. Walker (Eds.), The bliss and blisters of early career teaching: A pan-Canadian perspective (pp. 387-406). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.

  29. Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (2016).  Values, Virtues, and Human Capabilities: A Positive Perspective on Educational Improvement In Paul Newton & David Burgess (Eds.) The Best Available Evidence Decision Making for Educational Improvement (pp. 63-79), The Netherlands:  Sense Publishers.

  30. Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2016). High cost of distrust: Restoring trustworthiness in school leadership. In Normore, A., & Brooks, J. (Eds.), The dark side of leadership: Identifying and overcoming unethical practice in organizations. Bingley, UK: Emerald.

  31. Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2016). The seven deadly narratives of leadership: Why otherwise good leaders sometimes do foolish, hurtful and even evil things. In Normore, A., & Brooks, J. (Eds.), The dark side of leadership: Identifying and overcoming unethical practice in organizations. Bingley, UK: Emerald.

  32. P. Clarke & K. Walker (2013). Best Interests of the Child: Exploring Social Science and Jurisprudential Perspectives. In Chandni Basu & Vicky Anderson-Patton (Eds.). Children and Childhood: Practices and Perspectives. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN: 978-1-84888-179- 2.

  33. K. Walker (2013). The varying meanings of “Best Interests.” In William C. Frick (Ed.). Educational Management Turning on Its Head: Exploring a Professional Ethic for Educational Leadership: A Critical Reader (pp. 35-55), New York:  Peter Lang.

  34. K. Walker & L. Sackney (2011). Sustainable learning in knowledge communities. In J. Westover (Ed.). Organizational Culture, Learning, and Knowledge Management (pp. 391-407). Champaign, Illinois:  Common Grounds Publisher (ISBN: 978-1-86335-945-0).

  35. J. Preston, & K. Walker (2011). Mentorship across professions. In E. Ralph & K. Walker (Eds.). Adapting mentorship across the professions: Fresh insights and perspectives (pp. 21-33), Calgary:  Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

  36. Sanga, & K. Walker (2011). Mentoring by questions. In E. Ralph & K. Walker (Eds.). Adapting mentorship across the professions: Fresh insights and perspectives (pp. 269-290), Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

  37. K. Walker (2011). Serviette Mentoring. In E. Ralph & K. Walker (Eds.). Adapting mentorship across the professions: Fresh insights and perspectives (pp. 252-267), Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

  38. K. Walker, & M. Atkinson (2010). Warranted hope. In R. Couto (Ed.). Political and Civic Leadership: A Reference Handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. ISBN: 1412962633

  39. K. Walker (2010). Developing practical wisdom during the professional practicum. In E. Ralph, K. Walker, & R. Wimmer (Eds.)(2010). The Practicum in Professional Education: Canadian Perspectives (pp. 169-190). Calgary:  Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

  40. K. Walker (2007). The Ebb, Flow and Ecology of Teams. D. McIntire (Ed.). Teamwork: Making the Dream Work.  Indianapolis, Indiana: Precedent Press. pp. 45-70.

  41. K.Walker (2006). Standing upright in the wind: Servant leaders choices. In G.P. Barnes (Ed.). Servant First: Readings and Reflections on the Practice of Servant Leadership (pp. 61-71). Indianapolis, Indiana:  Precedent Press.

  42. K. Walker & L. Sackney (2007). Anti-egoistic school leadership: Ecologically-based value perspectives for the 21 century. In D.N. Aspin & J.D. Chapman (Eds.) Values Education and Lifelong Learning (pp. 255-278), New York:  Springer Press.

  43. K. Walker & D. Shakotko (1999). The Canadian superintendency: Value-based challenges and pressures. P. Begley (Ed.) Values and Educational Leadership (pp. 289-313), New York: State University of New York Press.

  44. D. Shakotko & K. Walker (1999). Poietic leadership. P. Begley & P. Leonard (Eds.). The Values of Educational Administration (pp. 201-222), London: The Falmers Press.

  45. V. Hajnal & K. Walker (1998). Eking out the last dollars: Nontraditional funding for education. In Jack Lam (Ed.) Educational Finance in Canada: Current Issues and Challenges (pp. 105- 112), Calgary: Detselig.

  46. K. Walker & B. Kay (1998), Chaperonic Reflections of the Relations between Education and Business Sectors. In Jack Lam (Ed.), Educational Finance in Canada: Current Issues and Challenges (pp. 113-128), Calgary: Detselig.

  47. K. Walker & V. Walker (1997). Dual relationships: Implications for developing professionals. In S. Natale and M. Fenton (Eds.). The Developing Professional: Maintaining Values in “Practical Training: Volume II, (pp. 233-266) New York: University Press of America.

  48. K. Walker & C. Gerrard (1995). Balancing interests and sustaining the public trust: The case of independent schools and home-based education in Saskatchewan. In W. Foster (Ed.) Rights, Responsibilities & Reasonableness: Striking the Balance in Education (pp. 494-520), Toronto: Carswell.

  49. K. Walker (1995). Influences on the value mediating work of educational leaders. In Natale, S. (Vol. Ed.), Values, Work, and Education: Values Inquiry Series (pp. 213-237), Media, PA: Rodopi Press.

  50. K. Walker (1993). Ethical choices: The nature of ethical decision-making in educational leadership. In Strother, D. (Ed.), 1993 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards (pp. 1-8), Bloomington: Phi Delta Kappa, (Refereed).

  51. K. Walker (1991). Whose notion of morality do we utilize in our educational policy-making ? In R.R. O'Reilly & C.J. Lautar (Eds.), Policy Research and Development in Canadian Education (pp. 73-99), Calgary:  Detselig Enterprises Limited, (Refereed).